home general history1

The problem военнопленных stood in Siberia is very sharp, and these edges(territories) were забиты unfortunate victims of vital circumstances. We for the first time have confronted(met) with it(her) on a road in Верхнеудинск, where in the past there was a large concentration camp. Our train has stopped for night, and to us has stuck жалкий the tramp in a tatter, which has asked for us on the very correct English English newspaper! We have supplied it(him) from our stocks, have fed and long with it(him) conversed. Before war it(he) headed the Austrian orchestra in the London hotel. It(him) have taken in captivity in 1914, and during four years it(he) has not received uniform весточки from the wife and children. So the cultural man was compelled влачить жалкое existence in дебрях of East Siberia without any hope for returning home. Верхнеудинск was for him(it) a hell, and the kind of the huge gilt cross towering above залесенной by a mountain was in жутком contrast with his(its) depressing history and seem by mockery at our christian civilization. (The cross was will erect военнопленными within war). We thought, that it was the exclusive case, but later experience connected with военнопленными, has shown, that the similar histories were typical of the most part of these unfortunate people.

Австрийцы and the Hungarians were, in general(common), good people, quiet, good-natured adjusted and grateful for any display of the help. Немцы were slightly высокомерными, and with them it was necessary to behave построже. After revolution the supervision for пленными ослаб, and many from пленных, is especial немцы, have joined to red and actively were at war against white and allies. In Irkutsk many немцы have left camp and lived in private(individual) houses among Russian in comfortable conditions, having got used слоняться on streets, showing all прусское высокомерие. We have put the end to this after pair of incidents, them повыкидывали from houses and new families and have returned in camp. Anybody from us would not like to show excessive hardness under the attitude(relation) to all немцам, but also to suffer(bear) their behaviour too there was no opportunity.

We came to a conclusion, that австрийцы and the Hungarians were the reliable people and used them at any possible(probable) work. For them it was божьей благодатью, as we supplied with their good clothes, in meal and even paid by him(it). While I was in Irkutsk at me always there were two Hungarians, and both were the famous guys. Mine денщик — the Hungarian farmer, which had no messages from the house five years, — was best of all met by me денщиков. It(he) looked after me of the better native brother. Before departure I managed to drag it(him) in Vladivostok and to arrange so that about it(him) have taken care and have helped to reach home.

Ours стрельбище involved(attracted) attention many, and in several cases it became the reason трений. As I have agreed to meet on стрельбище with Russian ротой for training, but with surprise has found out, that рота is sent in казарму. Having consulted(coped) about the reasons, I have found out, that here has arrived Czech рота, which has required from Russian, that they have left, that last and have made. Чехи and Russian not so loved each other. The attitudes(relation) between командующими of the Czech and White armies only added oils to fire. Чехи were the excellent(different) guys, преисполненными by strong national feelings, but the certain incidents at the front have left at them a unpleasant deposit, and all of them time tried to put themselves above Russian.

As the representative considered(counted) the British Empires, I, that the similar things should not have places among the allies, and that to the Czech officer this incident should not leave from hands. I have ordered to Russian part to return on стрельбище. Прийдя on a place, I have found out there gloomy Czech officer holding my Hungarian sergeant, which was rested and did not give чехам to shoot on targets. To it(him), in turn, threatened every possible карами down to execution. I have interfered with dispute and has sent the Hungarian to carry out his(its) work, and then has taken an interest at the Czech officer, that it(he) here does(makes). It(he) in a free manner has informed me, that intended to lead(carry out) in this morning of shooting. I have answered, that, unfortunately, стрельбище is engaged in Russian military part, but it is possible to arrange all if in time to ask on that the sanctions. It(he) has answered loud "«ха-ха" and has added, that « чехи begin to not worry about such things, as the sanction, and will do(make), that want ».

And it(he), and Russian officer is healthy разгорячились, and I have ordered to last to withdraw роту in перелесок, to charge rifles and there to wait me. I have decided(solved), that unique(sole), that was possible to make, it to place all on the places here, and, through the interpreter to be convinced that my words have reached the addressee. I have told impolite чеху, that a question not in at whom is more right — at Russian or at чехов, and that here командую I — the British officer — and will be made that I order. I also have noticed, that the Czech nation exists only due to good will of the British empire, and has tried to give to understand, that is necessary to me only to nod Ллойд Джорджу, and in the European policy(politics) there will be pleased certain changes, in particular, in relation to чехам. Eventually, I clearly have given to understand, that I examine(consider) it(him), as the annoying misunderstanding, and that if his(its) part will not leave from here immediately, I shall be compelled to accept extreme measures for prompting the order.

Now it can seem to any фарсом, but it is necessary to have in view of, that I was the representative of the British empire and was преисполнен strong national feelings and sincere desire to help White army to reach(achieve) a victory. Having announced the ultimatum, I have reminded it(him) of power of Empire and then has joined to Russian, reflecting what to undertake, if чех will refuse to carry out my order. Trying to make on the opponent the strongest impression, I have ordered руским to be stretched(dragged out) in a circuit and to move through прелесок, representing readiness for fight, but with simplification has seen, that Czech рота leaves.

It was necessary, however, to admire чехами because of their perfect бойцовских of qualities both high level of physical preparation and training. They have done huge work on organization of the excellent(different) case from various groups военнопленных, scattered on all Russia, having transformed it(him) in shock force of White movement. Чехов in due time forced to be at war under the Austrian and German flags, and they did(made) it with the large reluctance, using any opportunity to run across on the party Russian; was informed, that whole батальоны passed to Russian under music of military orchestras! In Russia them placed in special camps and addressed well before revolution of 1917, after which it became clear, that the new Russian authorities are considerably less benevolent to them in comparison with the one who was at authority in the past. The allies have acted(arrived) correctly, having used чехов for the statement of the authority in Siberia. Чехи have reminded me the Australian soldier — « are full by all till a throat and too far from houses », but are complete бойцовского of spirit and concern to all by a principle « not … … …., to whom belongs долбаный a train ». The beginning of the end became the moment, when because of disagreements in верхах them have discharged of active battle(dashing) actions. I hope, that they will be on our party in the future war!

That the world is very close, it became clear, when I, just entering in Russian staff, have heard from one of the Russian officers: « Hi, Australia, how businesses? ». It is difficult to expect the reference(manipulation) on Australian сленге at meeting with the Russian officer on the Siberian open spaces, and I was simply ошарашен. Having consulted(coped) with confusion, I have asked it(him) that it(he) knows about Australia, and was rather surprised, having learned(found out), that the interlocutor has lived many years in Квинсленде, but has made a mistake, having returned home for participation in this war, and now does not see prospects to get out of all it in the country, which it(he) has named "«богоданной". Is very fresh the following has sounded: « If at me was larger долбаных of brains, I would be still there or in the Australian army ». I as have gone to a staff once again, but has not heard about it(him) of any news, and I had an impression, that it(him) have suspected of sympathies to red. If so, in those mad times he(it) would have rather short term between выненсением of a verdict and reduction it(him) in execution(performance):

In other time I went on a wood glade and, passing any wooden log huts, has come across playing children. They were extended on the rack quietly, having seen my military form, and the grown-up мальчишка has given back me honour. I loved children, and has answered a greeting in English (or, faster, on - австралийски): « Kind day, Джо, how businesses? ». To my amazement, мальчишка has answered on usual English: « It is perfect, sir, but me call not Джо ». I did not expect such answer and has asked: « you what, one of these чертовых янки? ». A high female vote from the nearest log hut here has reached: « Actually, is not present. And who - who, and you should not offend it(him) in a similar way, my boy — same present австралиец, as well as you, captain ». Shamed, I have apologized before angry lady and its(her) son, and in conversation has found out, that the boy was born in Брансвике (staff(state) Victoria), and his(its) parents before war served in the Russian consulate in Australia. The poor boy. One God knows, that it(he) could test by then. I was not any more in that place and I do not know, that happened with it(him) and his(its) parents further.

Still just during visiting Russian military part, giving back any orders and not being sure that my words are correctly clear, I have asked, whether there is no here somebody, who knows the English language. After searches to me have pushed зашуганного with a kind of the soldier dressed in usual серовато-беловатую a uniform of old army. Having thought, that передо by me one of the former seamen, which to me frequently should be met in those times, and which dictionary consist of twenty words, 90 % from which were сленгом or curses, I with surprise have heard, that it(he) spoke on идиоматически correct English. We with success have consulted(coped) with a task, then I have asked it(him) whence it(he). It(he) was rather frank, and has told all history. It(he) was the son of the large Jewish supplier of clothes in London, выходца from Russia, which, прийдя to a conclusion, that the appeal in army неминуем, has sent the son home. It(he) has avoided a service in imperial army, but was called for White army after revolution. The father thought, that acts very artfully, not натурализуясь in England, but it has crossed out the future to the son. The white authorities have not recognized as his(its) British subject, and so it(he) became the ordinary with the salaries 30 roubles per one month, while for one pound gave 300 roubles (and more often and all 500). It(he) looked at a thing philosophically and considered(counted), that it(him) песенка спета. I have given to know about it(him) in Railway Mission, and they have requested it(him) to themselves as the interpreter. Since then his(its) life was adjusted: the good salaries, perfect conditions and opportunity to return to Great Britain. In any time I have guided about it(him) the informations and has learned(found out), that it(he) запятнал the track record, as was caught on sale of any things from a warehouse, and was returned in army.

While we were in Irkutsk, the businesses on "«front" went not so well, and with approach of spring (1919 — В.К.) the good luck finally has turned away from White government. While parts of Northern forwarding case order battle(dashing) actions, white gradually came, but with a conclusion of this quota of the allies the rule(situation) essentially has changed. (Лэтчфорд obviously exaggerates meaning(importance) of battle(dashing) actions in North of Russia — В.К.) the White army in Siberia was stopped, the front is broken through and the deviation began. We were torn to front with Russian parts, but it became clear, that the front itself soon will reach us or will pass through us, if we shall wait too long. Чехи were сильнейшей by a component of white front, and with their tap(removal) from a line of battle(dashing) actions all was scattered впрах.

The bolsheviks were well organized (at least to consult(cope) with the compatriots); they worked by a principle which was taken advantage немцами in 1914 — < put башмак where only can >. Their propagation was skilful and effective, so the poor white soldier was in the extremely difficult rule(situation). Frequently it(he) was not sure, as far as it is possible to rely on the next or own part or even on the comrades, and as is speed(faster) after the first shots they затрубят отбой or will lift hands. It(he) knew, that in case of a defeat best, that can happen to it(him) — it is execution, and winter it(he) could be sure that it(him) will undress догола and will leave connected on a frost at 20-40 of degrees. (we found them in such rule(situation)). The officers too had bases for anxiety, as to them the winning bolsheviks had special attitude(relation): Besides, they not especially relied on the soldier, and there were cases, when the people, having given in propagation, made the officers and ran across on the party of the opponent.

The political situation was so confusing, that the simple Russian soldier was be unable to understand, what purpose pursue the allies in this war. The bolsheviks in complete force used the printed machine tool, both for the leaflets, and for money, and found an opportunity to distribute printed production along the railway at us in rear. One of them коронных of tricks was parodying known Russian songs. Is remembered, I have received the order that the popular song "«Шахабаня" (Such name results Лэтчфорд — В.К.) is brought in the black list, and that everyone, who will be noticed in насвистывании, game or singing of this melody, is subject to arrest. Has appeared, that the bolsheviks have written new words to this song specially for white: < Погон English, tobacco Japanese, governor Omsk (in translation Лэтчфорда — Russian soldiers were dressed in English clothing, smoked Japanese tоbacco, and were under a dictator from Omsk — В.К.), " — quite trifling from our point of view, but capable to put damage of a political situation, so the song was ruthlessly forbidden.

As one Russian officer has asked me of advice(council) about фельдфебеля, which, in his(its) opinion, did not render to it(him) due support in командовании by a military part. The officer not so wanted to lead up business to trial « on a carpet » at the heads. Me it did not concern, but I began to look after for фельдфебелем and has noticed, that that long speaks with the soldiers after the front doctrines. As I have caught it(him) and directly has told, that « it(he) speaks very much », and that during civil war such lack can have fatal consequences. It(he) artfully has looked at me, and morning has disappeared, and I am sure, that it(he) was red. I do not think, that has frightened it(him), but it(he), probably, has decided(solved), that if « the mad Englishman has driven into him(it) », it is time to run. While the front was scattered on pieces, we continued persistently to work with ours дивизией to make by its(her) efficient, but the situation was, at least, very disturbing.

The description of our actions in it the period of time would borrow(occupy) too much places. Therefore I shall stop only on some of them. We, in particular, tried to force руских of the officers to join the soldiers during different games to establish more companionable attitudes(relations). In Russian army on this account there are representations which are distinct from ours, and we considered(counted), that they had too large break between grades: the officers never worried about the people how it learned(taught) to do(make) us. Me irritated, how the Russian soldier stood on the rack quietly, giving back honour to the officer during five minutes or about, while the officer chided it(him) for an insignificant mistake.

I never shall overlook(forget), how we have acquainted our division with football. We have agreed with ротой upon game, came in майках, шортах and boots and have found out, that while the soldiers have appeared in suitable clothes, the officers only got rid from шпор and sabres! They have refused to remove(take off) from themselves still something and have noticed, that such in their army it «is not "necessary". Anything more ridiculous I in life did not see. Each Australian child since small years gets used to games with a ball, but these шустрые the Siberian guys, obviously, earlier never saw of a ball. Gradually they have liked spirit of game and began to receive from it(her) the same pleasure, as well as we. The officers stood in the party, sometimes trying to beat off a ball, when it(he) подкатывался to them. The ordinary the soldier, гонящийся behind a ball, became on the rack quietly at that moment, when noticed intention of the officer пнуть a ball. We gradually have disaccustomed them to this habit and have given to understand, that they not on parade, and that best of them is the one who by first will reach a ball and will strike on it(him).

After the first football lesson the Russian officers have concealed on us insult, but we have noticed by him(it), that in the British army the officer should be able to do(make) all that any other man, and, whenever possible, is slightly better and faster, and that the people appreciate it. We managed to change their representations, but they did not love «to mix "up" with the soldiers, though sometimes officers sat near to the soldiers and fur-tree together with them, that meant much for the people with their habits. It is necessary пнимать, that in Russia, as well as in Germany before war the officers were " separate race " and had unlimited authority, and they were shocked with ours грубоватые of a habit.

The Russian soldier, at least, his(its) Siberian type, — excellent(different) парень. Cheerful, hardy, adequate(answering) by goods on kindness and, definitely, not остолоп. I do not think, that any other soldier would make greater in those conditions. It(he) was compelled to transfer тяготы of the Siberian winter in cotton regimentals, in thin башмаках and at shortage of overcoats. One overcoat on a six! The British mission was supplied well, and I have taken advantage of an opportunity to present each corporal or soldier, deserving that, трубку and package to tobacco. It costed to me of my three-monthly salaries, and I frequently thought, that could become the commander дивизии, if had enough to tobacco and трубок!

They (Russian officers — В.К.), however, reasoned differently, than we. Проводя shooting competitions upon termination of training group of the recent graduates of Military Academy, I have noticed, that one of them breaks rules, and, accordingly, has awarded a prize shown the result, following it(him). It has caused the large excitement among the Russian officers. They подшли to me also began to ask "«why". I have specified, that the infringer has made that it was not necessary, and at the expense of it has bypassed the comrades. They have noticed, that it only shows, « as far as that is artful », and, in their opinion, it was to worthy encouragement. My opinion on dishonesty of the infringer to consider in any way did not want, and we and have remained at the opinions. Probably, it is a question of education:

Still case: we have given out to one division the complete set of the British equipment and in some days with surprise have heard that Chinese лавочники sell something from this equipment. To the commander of a part have addressed with inquiry, and it(he) has recognized, that «has "set" the certain things. It(him) наивное the substantiation of such act consist that « the people have got used to have one майку, one shirt etc. so to give them till two was empty business, and the obtained money was necessary for needs a shelf ». Well that here will tell!

The hunting campaign in Ленский area in the company with the local Buryats was interesting. A staff of mission in Irkutsk had the automobile — rare luxury for Siberia — and when the opportunity was presented, I and Тоби Джонс have managed to receive it(him) in the order. British золотодобывающие the companies working on приисках of the river Лены, on conditions концессий were obliged to support in working order road from Irkutsk up to these places. With the help of the local inhabitants we have managed to drag the automobile on good гравийную a road and have set off in Buryat деревню, located in 100 miles from us.

The Buryats — it полумонгольское племя, very hospitable and left far forward in comparison with the Russian peasants concerning an agriculture, home life, formation(education) etc. (Лэтчфорд obviously exaggerates achievement of the Buryats — В.К.). Here, in 100 miles from the railway and in 2000 miles from the nearest port, it was possible to see the American agricultural engineering, piano and добротные houses constructed from пиленого of a wood, having the majority of convenience, usual for the Australian farms. The Buryats were released(exempted) from a military service and lived in good(well) обустроенных settlements on all Siberia. Many Buryat children even studied in the colleges, based by the Americans, of seaside cities of China. They is warmly have met us, and we have shown local парням how to play in регби. All work in a settlement has stopped, as soon as was наненсен the first impact on a ball:

By October, 1919 of business at white send absolutely bad. It is possible to tell our front,, has stopped existence. The railway was запружена military echelons, and воцарился uttermost chaos. To this time the most part of mission was deduced(removed) from Siberia according to general(common) policy(politics) of Great Britain. In November I have arrived in a staff and has learned(found out), that me send in Australia. Soon I have appeared in Vladivostok, whence soon has left in Japan:

E. W. Latchford. With the White Russians. 1933

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